1. H. S. Cannon andF. V. Lenel, in Proceedings of the Plansee Seminar, edited by F. Benesovsky (Metallwerk Plansee, Reutte, 1953) p. 106.
2. W. J. Huppmann andH. Riegger,Acta Metall. 23 (1975) 965.
3. V. N. Eremenko, Y. V. Naidich andI. A. Lavrinenko, in?Liquid phase sintering?(Consultants Bureau, New York, 1970) ch. 4.
4. W. D. Kingery, E. Niki andM. D. Narasimhan,J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 44 (1961) 29.
5. K. G. Ewsuk, L. W. Harrison andF. J. Walczak, in ?Ceramic transactions?, Vol. 1, edited by G. L. Messing, E. R. Fuller and H. Hausner, Jr (American Ceramic Society, Westerville, Ohio, 1988) p. 969.