1. P. D. Lax andB. Wendroff,Systems of Conservation Laws, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., Vol. XIII, 217–237 (1960).
2. P. D. Lax andB. Wendroff,Difference Schemes with High Order of Accuracy for Solving Hyperbolic Equations, New York University, Rept. NYO-9759, July 31, 1962.
3. S. Z. Burstein,Numerical Methods in Multidimensional Schocked Flows, AIAA Journal, Vol. 2, No. 12, December 1964.
4. H. U. Thommen andL. D'Attorre,Calculation of Steady, Three-Dimensional Supersonic Flow Fields by a Finite Difference Method, AIAA Paper No. 65-26, presented at the 2nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, New York, January 1965.
5. H. U. Thommen,A Method for the Numerical Solution of the Complete Navier-Stokes Equations for Steady Flows, General Dynamics/Convair Report GDC-ERR-AN733, April 1965.