Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Reference75 articles.
1. Alsaleem, S. (2017). Supervisory support and feedback environment as contextual determinants of the frequency of feedback-seeking [Doctoral dissertation, The George Washington University].
2. Anseel, F., Beatty, A. S., Shen, W., Lievens, F., & Sackett, P. R. (2015). How are we doing after 30 years? A meta-analytic review of the antecedents and outcomes of feedback-seeking behavior. Journal of Management, 41(1), 318–348.
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4. Bastola, M. N., & Hu, G. (2021). Chasing my supervisor all day long like a hungry child seeking her mother! Students’ perceptions of supervisory feedback. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 70, 101055.
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