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2. Romie, F.E.; Ambrosio, A.: Heat Transfer to Fluids Flowing with Velocity Pulsations in a Pipe, Boelter Anniversary volume, Edited by H. A. Johnson, McGraw Hill, 1964, p. 273
3. Siegel, R.; Pearlmutter, M.: Heat Transfer for Pulsating Laminar Duct Flow, Trans. ASME, Series C, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 84, 1962, p. 111
4. Siegel, R.; Pearlmutter, M.: Two-Dimensional Pulsating Laminar Flow in a Duct with a Constant Wall Temperature, International Developments in Heat Transfer, 1961, p. 517
5. Barnett, D.O.: An Analytical Investigation of Heat Transfer in Pulsating Turbulent Flow in a Tube, Ph. D. Thesis, Auburn University, 1970