1. Alexi W., Chor B., Goldreich O. and Schnorr C.P. “RSA/Rabin Bits are 1/2 + 1/poly(logN) Secure” FOCS 1984 pp 449–457
2. Awerbuch B., Chor B., Goldwasser S. and Micali S. “Provably Secure Coin Flip in a Byzantine Environment”, manuscript in preparation.
3. Blum M. and Goldwasser S. “An efficient Probabilistic Public Key Encryption Scheme which Hides all Partial Information” Presented in Crypto 1984
4. Broder A.Z. and Dolev D. “Flipping Coins in Many Pockets” FOCS 1984 pp 157–170
5. Cassels J.W.S. “Geometry of Numbers” Springer 1959