1. E. R. Berlekamp, Algebraic Coding Theory, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.
2. G. Brassard, “On Computationally Secure Authentication Tags Requiring Short Secret Shared Keys”, in Advances in Cryptology: Proc. of Crypto 82, D. Chaum, R. L. Rivest and A. T. Sherman, eds., Plenum, New York, 1983, pp. 267–275.
3. C. H. Bennett and G. Brassard, “Quantum Cryptography and its Application to Provably Secure Key Expansion, Public-Key Distribution and Coin-Tossing”, in IEEE International Conference on Computers, Systems and Signal Processing, Bangalore, India, December 1984, pp. 175–179.
4. Lect Notes Comput Sci;C. H. Bennett,1985
5. C. H. Bennett, G. Brassard and J.-M. Robert, “Privacy Amplification through Public Discussion”, submitted to SIAM J. Comput., 1985.