1. Bamber, R. C. (1922). “The male tortoiseshell cat.”Journ. Genetics,XII, no. 2, p. 214, footnote.
2. — (1927). “Genetics of Domestic Cats.”Bibliographia Genetica,III, pp. 14–44.
3. Bateson, W. (1926). “Segregation.”Journ. Genetics,XVI, no. 2, pp. 201–235.
4. Bonhote, J. L. (1915).Vigour and Heredity, West Newman and Co., London, pp. 55–60.
5. Doncaster, L. (1904). “On the inheritance of tortoiseshell and related colours in cats.”Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., pp. 35–38.