1. Acret, J., 1984, Architects and engineers: Colorado Springs, Shepards/McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed. 508 p.
2. Aley, T., and K. C. Thomson, 1981, Hydrogeologic mapping of unincorporated Greene County, Missouri, to identify areas where sinkhole flooding and serious groundwater contamination could result from land development: Project report prepared for Greene County Sewer District by Ozark Underground Laboratory, Protem, Mo., 11 p.
3. Aley, T. J., J. H. Williams, J. W. Massello, 1972, Groundwater contamination and sinkhole collapse induced by leaky impoundments in soluble rock terrain: Missouri Geological Survey, Engineering Geological Series, no. 5, 32 p.
4. Amari, D., and H. L. Moore, 1985, Sinkholes and gabions: A solution to the solution problem: Proceedings, Highway Geology Symposium (36th, Clarksville, Ind.), 22 p. (in press).
5. American Law Institute, 1939, Restatement of Torts: St. Paul, American Law Institute, Sections 818, 858.