1. Acevedo-Garcia, Dolores, and Lisa M. Bates 2008 Latino Health Paradoxes: Empirical Evidence, Explanations, Future Research, and Implications. In Latinas/os in the United States: Changing the Face of América, Havidán Rodríguez, Rogelio Sáenz, and Cecilia Menjívar, editors, pp. 101–113. Springer, New York, NY.
2. Altman, Julia 2011 Milk Glass at the Kooskia Internment Camp, 17 April. The Kooskia Internment Camp Archaeological Project Blog . Accessed 24 August 2022.
3. American Lung Association 2018 Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis Symptoms and Diagnosis. American Lung Association . Accessed 24 August 2022.
4. Anthracite Heritage Museum 1946 U.M.W.A. Union Local 1507 (Eckley) Anthracite Health and Welfare Benefits from 1946 to 1950s including Applications to Jefferson Medical College Silicosis Study. Slot AC84.1.30, Anthracite Heritage Museum, Scranton, PA.
5. Anthracite Heritage Museum 1960a Anthony Sulkosky, 14 July. Slot AC84.1.30, U.M.W.A. Union Local 1507 (Eckley) Anthracite Health and Welfare Benefits from 1946 to 1950s including Applications to Jefferson Medical College Silicosis Study, Anthracite Heritage Museum, Scranton, PA.