1. Advance Monticellonian1942 Work Begins on Alien Camp near Monticello. Advance Monticellonian 6 August. Monticello, AR.
2. Advance Monticellonian 1944a Col. Bals Transferred Col. Colwell Comes to Monticello Camp. Advance Monticellonian Thursday, 6 April. Monticello, AR.
3. Advance Monticellonian 1944b Col. Wilson T. Bals New C.O. at Camp Monticello. Advance Monticellonian 20 January. Monticello, AR.
4. Amit, Vered (editor)2002 Realizing Community: Concepts, Social Relationships and Sentiments. Routledge, London, UK.
5. Anderson, Benedict1991 Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, rev. edition. Verso, London, UK.