1. Bacon, Edmund 1802–1822 Memoranda Book of Edmund Bacon, Overseer at Monticello. Manuscript, No. 5385-an, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville.
2. Bacon, Edmund 1864 Letter to William J. Bacon, 4 June. Manuscript, Papers of the Bacon Family, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville.
3. Bacon, William J. 1959 List of Thoroughbreds and High-Bred Trotting Stock Owned by W. J. Bacon. In The Wilford-Williford Family Treks into America, Part 1, Eurie Pearl Wilford Neel, editor, pp. 429–431. Rich Printing Company, Nashville, TN.
4. Baxter, Michael J. 2001 Methodological Issues in the Study of Assemblage Diversity. American Antiquity 66(4):715–725.
5. Bear, James A. (editor) 1967 Jefferson at Monticello: Recollections of a Monticello Slave and of a Monticello Overseer. University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville.