1. I. M. Hais, M. Niang, L. S. Ettre, “M. S. Tswett's Correspondence with John Briquet. I: Review of Tswett's Ph. D. Thesis by Briquet and Tswett's Letters from Simferopol.” Chromatographia44, 545–558 (1997).
2. J. Briquet, “Notice Bibliographique sur les Recherches sur la Sève Ascendante de M. Houston Stewart Chamberlain.” Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier5, 285–288 (1897).
3. A. A. Rikhter, T. A. Krasnol'skaya (editors), M. S. Tswett: Khromatograficheskii Adsorbtsionnyi Analiz. Izbrannye Roboty (M. S. Tswett: Chromatographic Adsorption Analysis. Selected Works). Izdatel'stvo Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1946; pp. 229–235.
4. InBriquet's book [21], Tswett's biography (with a partial bibliography of his publications) is on pp. 463–466.
5. M. Tswett, “Sur la Membrane Periplasmique.” J. bot.12, 79–82 (1899).