1. Accatino, P. & P. Malagamba, 1982. Potato production from true seed. Bulletin, International Potato Center, Apartado 5969, Lima, Peru, 20 pp.
2. Bedi, A. S., P. Smale & D. Burrows, 1980. Experimental potato production in New Zealand from true seed. In: The International Potato Center Report of the Planning Conference on the Production of Potatoes from True Seed (Manila, Philippines): 100–116.
3. Devaux, A., 1984. True potato seed development. Circular, International Potato Center 12(3): 6–7.
4. Harris, P. M., 1983. The potential for producing root and tuber crops from seed. Sixth symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (International Potato Center, Lima, Peru, 20–25 February 1983).
5. Hermsen, J. G. T., 1980. Aardappelteelt uit zaden: problemen en perspectieven. Growing potatoes from seed: problems and prospects.Zaadbelangen 34: 67–72 (in Dutch).