1. P. W. Boumans, Proc. Colloq. Spectr. Intern. IX, Lyon, p. 84, 1961.
2. Z. N. Samsonova, Opt. i spekt.,12, 466, 1962.
3. C. Berthelot, Spectrochim. acta,19, no. 8, 1323, 1963.
4. E. V. Il'ina and V. M. Gol'dfarb, Interaction of Elements in the Spectral Analysis of Powder Specimens in a Carbon Arc [in Russian], LDNTP, Leningrad, 1963.
5. E. V. Il'ina, Transactions of the 15th Spectroscopy Conference [in Russian], Moscow, vol. 2, p. 388, 1964.