1. V. A. Faas, Light Filters [in Russian], Kinofotoizdat, Moscow, 1936.
2. S. S. Baranov, S. V. Khludov, and E. V. Shpol'skii, Atlas of Transmission Spectra of Transparent Colored Films [in Russian], Moscow-Leningrad, 1948.
3. M. S. Zel'tser and G. K. Kryukova, ZhTF,14, 373, 1944.
4. E. A. Veller and B. A. Proai-Koshits, ZhPKh,32, 2330, 1959.
5. E. R. Blout, JOSA,36, no. 10, p. 460, 1946.