Latest Triassic (Sevatian–Rhaetian) reef carbonates from the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria), their mollusc dwellers, and their fate at the end-Triassic extinction event


Nützel AlexanderORCID,Nose Martin,Hautmann MichaelORCID,Hochleitner Rupert


AbstractA reef-associated mollusc fauna (gastropods and bivalves) and its facies context are described from latest Triassic (Sevatian–Rhaetian) reef carbonates of Austria (Rötelwand reef at Gaissau and Gosaukamm near Hallstatt). The studied carbonates from the Rötelwand reef consist of mollusc-rich rudstones, partly boundstones, which contain branched corals (Cycliphyllia and Retiophylia, Pinacophyllum), whereas coralline sponges are absent. The rich foraminiferid fauna that is associated with the reef builders consists of 11 genera; eight of these genera became extinct until the end of the Rhaetian. Associated with small patch reefs was a rich mollusc fauna with 19 gastropod species and 8 epifaunal bivalve species. The gastropod fauna is dominated by Microschiza rhaetica, Trochotoma praecursor, and the large growing Purpuroidea moosleitneri. Six gastropod species are new to science: Angulomphalus senowbarii sp. nov., Stuorella zapfei sp. nov., Hologyra callosa sp. nov., Microschiza rhaetica sp. nov., Angularia corallina sp. nov., and Purpuroidea moosleitneri sp. nov. Four Triassic gastropod species are placed in other genera (new combinations): Tylotrochus diversicostatus Wolff, 1967 and Eucycloscala epitoniformis Nützel and Senowbari-Daryan, 1999 are placed in Sadkia, Praelittorina sepkoskii Nützel and Erwin, 2004 in Microschiza, and Purpuroidea? minioi Leonardi, 1935 in Angularia Koken, 1892. Reversal of precedence is proposed for Angularia Koken, 1892 (Gastropoda) and Angularia Busk, 1881 (Bryozoa) under ICZN Art. 23.9. Although reefs suffered a catastrophic decline at the end of the Triassic, most of the studied reef-associated bivalve and gastropod genera survived into the Jurassic, indicating a considerable ecological plasticity of these groups. Only 12 out of 47 reef-associated mollusc genera became extinct (25.5%). This observation is at variance with earlier suggestions that taxa that were associated with reefs and carbonate substrata had a significantly higher extinction risk than level-bottom dwellers. However, extinction at the species level appears more severe; only three bivalve species but no gastropod species recorded in this fauna have records from the Jurassic.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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