1. Aiba, Hiroaki. 2015. Guide Book of Shiobara Konoha Fossils: A Guide of Practice and Identification, and a Pictorial Book of Fossil Plants and Insects. Tokyo: Maruzen Publishing. (in Japanese).
2. Aiba, Hiroaki. 2016. Utilizing Shiobara plant fossils for teaching: Data gathered from practices over the past 20 years. Education of Earth Science 68: 185–195. (in Japanese).
3. Aiba, Hiroaki. 2019a. Newly discovered Pentatoma semiannulata (Motschulsky) fossils from the Shiobara Group, Tochigi Prefecture. Gekkan-Mushi [= A Monthly Journal of Entomology] 576: 14–19. (in Japanese).
4. Aiba, Hiroaki. 2019b. Okeanos quelpartensis distant, 1911 fossil from the Shiobara Group, Tochigi Prefecture. Gekkan-Mushi [= A Monthly Journal of Entomology] 581: 38–40. (in Japanese).
5. Aiba, Hiroaki, Taichi Kato, and Ryo Futabashi. 2019. Gomphidae dragonfly fossil from the Shiobara Group, Tochigi Prefecture. Gekkan-Mushi [= A Monthly Journal of Entomology] 575: 1–4. (in Japanese).