1. The Correspondence of Isaac Newton vol. II, 1676–1687, edited by H. W.Turnbull (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1960), pp. 304–306.
2. Reference [1], pp. 307–308.
3. The termindivisibles was used byBonaventura Cavaliere in the title of his bookGeometria Indivisibilibus Continuorum published in 1635, and later byJohn Wallis in hisArithmetica Infinitorum (Oxon, 1656) which is devoted to the integration of curves bythe method of indivisibles.Newton's early mathematical studies were also influenced by the work ofWallis, seeThe Mathematical Work of John Wallis byJ. F. Scott, (London, 1938)
4. J.Pelseneer,Une lettre inédite de Newton, Isis12, 237–254 (1929).
5. J.Lohne,Hooke versus Newton, Centaurus7, 6–52 (1960).Newton's diagram, Fig. 1, was first published in this paper.