1. Rayleigh (Lord). On the light from the sky, its polarization and colour. (Sur la lumière du ciel, sa polarisation et sa couleur.)Philos. Mag., (1871), G.-B. XLI, pp. 107–120, 274–279, ouScientific papers, Cambridge University Press (1899),1 (1869–1881), pp. 87–103.
2. Rayleigh (Lord). On the scattering of the light by small particles. (Sur la diffusion de la lumière par des petites particules.)Philos. Mag., G.-B. (1871), XLI, pp. 447–454, ouScientific papers, Cambridge University Press (1899),1, 1869–1881, pp. 104–110.
3. Rayleigh (Lord). Theory of sound. (Théorie du son.)Mac Millan, Londres (1878).
4. Rayleigh (Lord). On the electromagnetic theory of light. (Sur la théorie électromagnétique de la lumière.)Philos. Mag., G.-B. (1881), XLII, pp. 81–101, ouScientific papers, Cambridge University Press (1899),1, 1869–1881, pp. 518–536.
5. Rayleigh (Lord). On the transmission of light through an atmosphere containing small particles in suspension and on the origin of the blue of the sky. (Sur la transmission de la lumière à travers une atmosphère contenant des particules de faibles dimensions en suspension et l’origine du bleu du ciel.)Philos. Mag., G.-B. (1899), XLVII, pp. 375–384, ouScientific papers, Cambridge University Press (1899),4, 1892–1901, pp. 397–405.