1. C.A. Coulson and G.S. Rushbrooke, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 36 (1940)193.
2. J.N. Murrell, S.F.A. Kettle and J.M. Tedder,Valence Theory (Wiley, London, 1965).
3. L. Salem,The Molecular Orbital Theory of Conjugated Systems (Benjamin, New York, 1966).
4. C.A. Coulson, B. O'Leary and R.B. Mallion,Hückel Theory for Organic Chemists (Academic Press, London-New York-San Francisco, 1978); (a) Ch. 6, pp. 88?110; (b) Appendix D, pp. 159?166; (c) pp. 91?98.
5. R.B. Mallion, in:Applications of Combinatorics, ed. R.J. Wilson (Shiva, Nantwich, Cheshire, UK and Birkhäuser, Boston, Cambridge, MA, 1982) pp. 87?114.