Querying Big Data: Bridging Theory and Practice


Fan Wenfei,Huai Jin-Peng


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Computational Theory and Mathematics,Computer Science Applications,Hardware and Architecture,Theoretical Computer Science,Software

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1. An Approximation Method for Querying Similar Large Graphs;2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data);2022-12-17

2. References;Industry 4.0 and Global Businesses;2022-01-21

3. An approach to remove duplication records in healthcare dataset based on Mimic Deep Neural Network (MDNN) and Chaotic Whale Optimization (CWO);Concurrent Engineering;2021-03

4. The Boundaries of Context: Contextual Knowledge in Research on Networked Discussions;Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems;2021

5. On Massive JSON Data Model and Schema;Journal of Physics: Conference Series;2019-08-01








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