1. F. Larson and A. Zarkades: MCIC report 74-20, Battelle Columbus Labora- tories, 1974.
2. P. J. E. Forsyth and C. A. Stubbington:Met. Technol, 1975, vol. 2, p. 158.
3. M. J. Harrigan, A. W. Sommer, P. G. Reimers, and G. A. Alers:Titanium Science and Technology, vol. 2, p. 1297, Plenum Press, New York, 1973.
4. A. Zarkades and F. Larson: AMMRC TR 72-71, Watertown, Mass., 1972.
5. W. A. Backofen and W. F. Hosford: Watertown Arsenal Report TR 834 12/2.3,1963.