1. G.H. De Groat,Tooling for Metal Powder Parts, McGraw-Hill, New York (1958).
2. P.U. Gumerson, High Pressure Water Atomization, inPowder Metallurgy for High Performance Applications, H.H. Burke and V. Weiss, Ed., Syracuse, 27–55 (1972).
3. P.U. Gumerson, Modern Atomizing Techniques,Powder Metall., 15(29), 67–94 (1972).
4. E. Klar and W.M. Shafer, High Pressure Gas Atomization of Metals,Powder Metall., 75(29), 57–68 (1972).
5. W.D. Jones, Fundamental Principles of Powder Metallurgy, inManufacture of Metal Powders, Chapt. 1.