1. Greatspn home page. URL:http://www.di.unito.it/WWW/PEgroup/GreatSPN/.
2. M. Ajmone Marsan, A. Bobbio, and S. Donatelli. Petri Nets in Performance Analysis: an Introduction. In this book.
3. M. Ajmone Marsan, S. Donatelli, G. Franceschinis, and F. Neri. Reductions in Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets and Stochastic Well-formed Nets: An Overview and an Example of Application. In J. Walrand, K. Bagchi, and G. Zobrist, editors, Network Performance Modeling and Simulation. Gordon and Breach Publishers INC, 1997.
4. M. Bernardo, L. Donatiello, and R. Gorrieri. Giving a Net Semantics to Markovian Process Algebras. In Proc. 6th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, Durham, NC, 1995.
5. M. Bernardo and R. Gorrieri. A Tutorial on EMPA: A Theory of Concurrent Processes with Nondeterminism, Priorities, Probabilities and Time. Theoretical Computer Science, 1998. to appear.