1. A. Avron, Non-deterministic Semantics for Families of Paraconsistent Logics, To appear in “Paraconsistency with no Frontiers” (J.-Y. Beziau and W. Carnielli, eds.).
2. A. Avron, A Non-deterministic View on Nonclassical Negations, Studia Logica 80, 159–194 (2005).
3. A. Avron, Non-deterministic Semantics for Logics with a Consistency Operators, Forthcoming in the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
4. A. Avron, Logical Non-determinism as a Tool for Logical Modularity: An Introduction, In “We Will Show Them: Essays in Honor of Dov Gabbay”, Vol 1 (S. Artemov, H. Barringer, A. S. d’Avila Garcez, L. C. Lamb, and J. Woods, eds.), 105–124, College Publications, 2005.
5. A. Avron, and B. Konikowska, Multi-valued Calculi for Logics Based on Nondeterminism, Logic Journal of the IGPL 13, 365–387, (2005).