1. G.S. Poletaev, On some integral equations in mechanics and their abstract analogs. Book of abstracts of the VIIIth Winter Mathematical School, Voronezh (1974), 87–89.
2. G.S. Poletaev, About equations and systems of one type in rings with factorization pair. Preprint Math. Institute, Acad. Sci. Kiev 88. 31 (1988), 20 p.
3. G.S. Poletaev, The abstract analogue paired equations of convolution type in a ring with factorization pair. Ukraine Math. J. 43 (1991), no. 9, 1201–1213.
4. G.S. Poletaev, About one-projector of second order equations with correct factorized coefficients in a ring with factorization pair. Bull. Kherson Tech. Univ. 2(8) (2000), 191–195.
5. G.S. Poletaev, On paired equations in different rings with factorization pairs. Abstracts of Int. Conf. on Analytic methods of analysis and differential equations (AMADE-2001). Minsk, Feb. 15–19, (2001), 127–128.