1. Abelin-Schur, H., talk at Schur–Gedenkkolloquium at the Humboldt University, Berlin, November 15, 1991, manuscript
2. Abelin-Schur, H., phone conversation of May 18, 1995
3. Arrias, E.: In Memoriam Prof. P. J. H. Baudet. Eigen Haard 48(5), 92–94, January 28, 1928
4. Baudet, P.J.H.: Groepentheoretische onderzoekingen. Doctoral dissertation, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague (1918)
5. Baudet, P.J.H.: Het Limietbegrip (Inaugural Address at Delft). P. Noordhoff, Groningen (1919)