1. H. Harari:Proceedings of fourteenth SLAC Summer Institute on Particle Physics 1986, edited byE. C. Brennan (SLAC-312), p. 1;M. E. Peskin:Proceedings of the International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies, Kyoto, 1985, edited byM. Konuma andK. Takahashi (Kyoto University, 1985);J. Ellis:Proceedings of the International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies, Kyoto, 1985, edited byM. Konuma andK. Takahashi (Kyoto University, 1985).
2. V. Angelopoulos et al.:Proceedings of the Workshop on Physics at Future Accelerators, Vol.1 (CERN 87-07, 1987), p. 80.
3. Proceedings of the ECFA-CERN Workshop on a L.H.C. in the LEP Tunnel, Lausanne and CERN, 1984, edited byM. Jacob (ECFA 84/85, CERN 84-10);Proceedings of the 1986 Summer Study on the Physics of the SSC, Snowmass, Colorado, 1986, edited byR. Donaldson andJ. Marx;Proceedings of the Workshop on Physics at Future Accelerators, La Thuile and CERN, January 1987 (CERN 87-07, 1987).
4. P. Méry, M. Perrottet andF. M. Renard:Z. Phys. C,36, 249 (1987);38, 579 (1988).
5. F. M. Renard:Proceedings of the Conference «Tests of Electroweak Theories», Trieste, June 1985, edited byB. W. Lynn andC. Verzegnassi (World Scientific Publ., Singapore, 1986).