1. Yu. M. Vasil'ev, Vopr. Onkol.,4, 1 (1958) p. 11.
2. A. P. Gindin and Kh. K. Forshter, in the book: Histochemical Methods in Normal and Pathological Morphology (Moscow, 1958) p. 205.
3. G. A. Gurvich and G. V. Shumakova Vestn. Akad. Med. Nauk SSSR, 1 (1960) p. 57.
4. A. F. Zakharov, in the book: Immunological Methods of Investigating Malignant Neoplasma (Moscow, 1959) p. 191.
5. A. F. Zakharov, in the book: Problems of Transplantation and Preservation of Organs and Tissues (Moscow, 1959) p. 108.