Electromagnetic radii and quark structure of the nucleon


Wolters G. F.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous),Engineering (miscellaneous),Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous),Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)

Reference23 articles.

1. H.J. Lipkin: Phys. Rep.C8, 173 (1973). The quark model and many of its applications are discussed there, except elastic nucleon form factors; ibid. in: High-energy physics with polarized beams and polarized targets, eds. C. Joseph, J. Soffer, EXS 38. Basel: Birkhäuser (1981)

2. R.G. Sachs: Phys. Rev.126, 2256 (1962); L. N. Hand, D.G. Miller, R. Wilson: Rev. Mod. Phys.35, 335 (1963). The last mentioned authors drew attention to the consistency ofG E,p =μ p -1 G M,p with data then available forQ 2 less than 2 (GeV/c)2, which was characterized as “an amusing relation for which we can find no meaning”. Several advantages of using Sachs form factors, calledG E ,G M there, rather than using Dirac and Pauli form factors, were pointed out. In retrospect, one may add to their arguments the lack of meaning of distinguishing a bare nucleon (Dirac fermion) and a dressed nucleon (carrying a magnetic moment which is the sum of a Dirac moment and a Pauli moment) in the quark model [13]. This distinction has had strong impact on this subject (and on other ones as well). See e.g. J. Bernstein, M.L. Goldberger: Rev. Mod. Phys.30, 465 (1958) and [5–8] below

3. S. Galster et al.: Nucl Phys.B32, 221 (1971), Historically also the question of nonvanishingG E,n (Q 2) has been controversial, see e.g. L.I. Schiff: Rev. Mod. Phys.30, 462 (1958)

4. W. Bartel et al.: Nucl. PhysB58, 429 (1973); Ch. Berger et al.: Phys. Lett.35B, 87 (1971)

5. W.R. Frazer, J.R. Fulco: Phys. Rev.117, 1603, 1609 (1960); S. Drell, F. Zachariasen: Electromagnetic structure of nucleons. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1961; J. Bjorken, S. Drell: Relativistic quantum mechanics Ch. 10, New York: McGraw-Hill 1964; H.M. Pilkuhn Relativistic particle physics Ch. 6. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer (1979)








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