1. S. G. Afanasov, I. Ya. Ashbel', B. M. Zhulkovskii, V. I. Kochetkov, S. G. Petrov, and V. I. Cherednik, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Radiofiz.,16, No. 11, 1773 (1973).
2. S. G. Afanasov and V. I. Cherednik, Elektron. Tekh., Ser. 1, Elektronika, SVCh,4 (1974).
3. J. R. Pierce, Theory and Calculation of Electron Beams [Russian translation], Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow (1956).
4. M. B. Tseitlin, Dissertation (1951).
5. V. M. Gaiduk, K. I. Palatov, and D. M. Petrov, Physical Foundations of Microwave Electronics [in Russian], Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow (1971).