1. Institute of Health Service Managers. (1993).Future Health Care Options, Final Report, IHSM, London.
2. Wall, A. (1993).Values and the NHS, IHSM, London.
3. Loughlin, M. (1993). Critique: The strange quest for the health gain.Health Care Analysis 1 (2), 165–169.
4. Hare, R. M. (1972).Freedom and Reason, Oxford University Press, London. Although Hare's work provides a good example of how later utilitarians have emphasised the logical analysis of moral language, it is worth nothing that his substantial moral prescriptions are taken to be valid only on the basis of the empirical claim that most human beings would notwant to be treated badly on the basis of some arbitrary characteristic in the way that a ‘fanatic’ might treat them.
5. Mill, J. S. (1962).Utilitarianism ed. by Mary Warnock, Collins, London.