1. Au—Autobiography, ed. F. W. Dupee, London, 1956.
2. CLHJ 1855-72—The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1855–1872, eds. P. A. Walker and G. W. Zacharias, 2 vols, Lincoln and London, 2006.
3. CLHJ 1872-6—The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1872–1876, eds. P. A. Walker and G. W. Zacharias, 3 vols, Lincoln and London, 2009-2011.
4. CLHJ 1876–8— The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1876-1878, eds. P. A. Walker and G. W. Zacharias, 2 vols, Lincoln and London, 2012-2013.
5. CN— The Complete Notebooks of Henry James, eds. L. Edel and L. H. Powers, Oxford, 1987.