1. R. E. Sanders, Jr. and G. J. Hildeman: Final Tech. Report AFWAL-TR-81-4076, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, 1981.
2. S. L. Langenback: Interim Tech. Report, Lockheed Report No. LR30377, Burbank, CA, 1982.
3. W. M. Griffith, R.E. Sanders, Jr., and G. J. Hildeman: inHigh Strength PM Aluminum Alloys, Conf. Proc, M.J. Koczak and J. Hildeman, eds., TMS-AIME, 1982, p. 209.
4. L. Angers, M. E. Fine, and J. R. Weertman:Metall. Trans. A, 1987, vol. 18A, pp. 555–62.
5. Lynette Angers: Ph.D. Thesis, Northwestern University, Aug. 1985.