1. V.E. Ivanov and T. A. Badajeva,Proc. 2nd Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses of Atom Energy, Geneva 1958. Vol. 6,139–155. (Experimental)
2. A. Rough and W. Chubb,Battelle Memorial Institute, 1441 (1960). (Experimental)
3. G. V. Smith, R.G. Smith, and A.G. Thomas, “AStudy of the Phase Relationships in the Uranium-Silicon-Carbon System,”L.E. Rüssel et al, Ed.,Carbides in Nuclear Energy, Proc. Symposium, Harwell, England, 1963, Vol. 1,261–265 (1964). (Experimental)
4. J.A. Straatmann and N.F. Neumann, “Equilibrium Structures in the High Uranium-Silicon Alloy System,” USAEC Report MCW- 14866, Mallinckrodt Chemical Works.Oct. 23,1964; as cited inReac- torMaterials, 8,58 (1965). (Experimental)
5. P.L. Blum, P. Guinet, and G. Silvestre, “Structure of a Novel Phase U3Si2C3 in the Uranium-Carbon-Silicon System,”C.R. Acad. Sci. (Paris), t.260, Groupe 6, 1911–1913 (1965) in French. (Experi- mental)