1. “Swiss norms for the testing of hydraulic turbines,” Bull. Schweiz. Elektrotech. Ver., 48(3), 113 – 136 (1957).
2. IEC 60041:1991. International Code for the Field Acceptance Tests of Hydraulic Turbines, Storage Pumps, and Pump/Turbines.
3. ISO 3354:1988 (E) Measurement of Clean Water Flow in Closed Conduits — Velocity-Area Method Using Current-Meters in Full Conduits and under Regular Flow Conditions.
4. GOST 28842–90. Hydraulic Turbines. Methods of Field Acceptance Tests [in Russian] (2005).
5. B. A. Kovrigin and M. F. Krasil’nikov, “Field power tests of generating units at The 22nd Congress of the CPSU Volga HPP,” Tr. Gidroproekta, 15, 181 – 192 (1968).