1. RF Federal Law No. 96-FZ of May 4, 1999, “On the protection of atmospheric air” [in Russian].
2. RD 34.02.306–98. Rules for Organizing the Monitoring of Atmospheric Emissions at Thermal Power and Boiler Plants [in Russian], Izd. SPO ORGRÉS, Moscow (1998).
3. Technical Specifications for Automatic Pollutant Emission Monitors at Thermal Power Plants [in Russian], Izd. RAO “EÉS Rossii,” Moscow (1997).
4. P. V. Roslyakov (ed.), Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollutant Emissions from Thermal Power Plants [in Russian], Izd. MÉI, Moscow (2004).
5. P. V. Roslyakov, I. A. Zakirov, I. L. Ionkin, and L. E. Egorova, “Conversion of carbon monoxide and benzopyrene along the gas duct of boiler systems,” Teploénergetika, No. 4 (2005).