1. Scaninject III, Proceedings International Conference of Injection Metallurgy, MEFOS, Lulea, Sweden, June 1983.
2. “Methods of Desulfurization with Rare Earths and Other Alloys”, Molycorp Metallurgy.
3. W.G. Wilson,“Results from Various Methods of Adding Rare Earths”, Proceedings Electric Furance Conf., Vol. 31, 1973, 154.
4. H.A. Tucker et al.,“Rare Earth Silicide Additions to an Alloy Steel to Increase Toughness and Ductility”, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Report of Investigation 7153, June 1968.
5. T. Ototani,“Recent Developments of Metallic Calcium Core Wire in Steel Production”, Scaninject III, Paper 36.