1. S. Suresh and R.O. Ritchie, The propagation of short fatigue cracks,International Metals Review (in press).
2. J. Weertman, I.-H. Lin and R. Thomson, Acta Metallurgica 31 (1983) 473.
3. J. Weertman,Acta Metallurgica 32 (1984) 575.
4. T. Mura and J. Weertman, Dislocation models for threshold fatigue crack growth, in Concepts of Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, eds. D.L. Davidson and S. Suresh, The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA (1984) (in press).
5. J. Weertman,Acta Metallurgica 32 (1984) 563.