1. Barrett, C. 1986. Local flood warning systems. Pages 1–5in Proceedings of a seminar on local flood warning-response systems. US Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, California.
2. Curtis, D. 1986. Role of private sector in flood warning systems. Pages 37–45in Proceedings of a seminar on local flood warning-response systems. US Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, California.
3. French, J., R. Ing, S. Von Allmen, and R. Wood. 1983. Mortality from flash floods: A review of the national weather service reports, 1969–81.Public Health Reports 98(6):584–588.
4. Gruntfest, E. 1987. Flash flood/dam failure warning system survey. US Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado. 73 pp.
5. Hydrology Subcommittee of the Federal Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data. 1985. Guidelines on community local flood warning and response systems. United States Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. 104 pp.