Simulating the effects of Glen Canyon Dam releases on Grand Canyon river trips


Borkan Ronald E.,Underhill A. Heaton


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Pollution,Ecology,Global and Planetary Change

Reference12 articles.

1. Johnson, R. R. 1977. Synthesis and management implications of the Colorado River research program. Colorado River Research Contribution No. 47. Technical Report No. 17. Grand Canyon National Park. Grand Canyon, Arizona, 75 pp.

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3. Schechter, M. 1975. Simulation model of wilderness area use: Model user's manual and program documentation. Resources for the Future, Inc., Washington, DC, 172 pp. and 312 pp. appendices.

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5. Shelby, B., and J. M. Nielsen. 1976a. Design and method of the sociological research in Grand Canyon. Colorado River Research Contribution No. 30. Technical Report No. 1. Grand Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon, Arizona, 32 pp.







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