1. AKANLE, O. B.; SPYROU, N. M.; DAMYANOVA, A. A.; SHAW, D. M.; ALI, L. (Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Surrey, Guilford (England)): Investigation of elemental models in senile dementia using neutron activation analysis. p. 795–802. In: Papers accepted for presentation at the 7. international conference MTAA. Pt. 2. Applications. ISBN 87-550-1218-3. Roskilde (Denmark). Risoe National Laboratory. 1986. 748 p. [7. international conference on modern trends in activation analysis. Copenhagen (Denmark). 23–27 Jun 1986]. (RN 18:001105).
2. ANON. (Australian Inst. of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Lucas Heights): Fourth Australian conference on nuclear techniques of analysis: AINSE, Lucas Heights, N.S.W. Proceedings. INIS-mf-10581. Lucas Heights (Australia). AINSE. Nov 1985. 279 p. [4. Australian conference on nuclear techniques of analysis. Lucas Heights (Australia). 6–8 Nov 1985]. MF available from INIS. (RN 18:021707).
3. BARTLE, C. M.; PURCELL, C. R. (Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, Lower Hutt (New Zealand). Inst. of Nuclear Sciences): Neutron-gamma transmission (NEU-GAT) based composition measurements using an accelerator.Nucl. Instrum. Methods. Phys. Res., Sect. A. ISSN 0168-9002. NIMAE. (1 Feb 1987). v. 254(1) p. 219–221. Letter-to-the-editor. (RN 18:030514).
4. BIRATTARI, C.; BONARDI, M.; CANTONE, M. C. (Dipartimento di Fisica, Univ. di Milano and INFN Milano (Italy)): Proton activation analysis of arsenic in silicon matrices. p. 1299–1306. In: Papers accepted for presentation at the 7. international conference MTAA. Pt. 2. Applications. ISBN 87-550-1218-3. Roskilde (Denmark). Risoe National Laboratory. 1986. 738 p. [7. inernational conference on modern trends in activation analysis. Copenhagen (Denmark). 23–27 Jun 1986]. (RN 18:004860).
5. BISHOP, J. (Melbourne Univ., Parkville (Australia). Dept. of Geology): REE determination in single mineral gains using RNAA. p. 181–183. In: Australian Inst. of Nuclear Science and Engineering. Lucas Heights. Fourth Australian conference on nuclear techniques of analysis: proceedings. INIS-mf-10581. Nov 1985. 279 p. [4. Australian conference on nuclear techniques of analysis. Lucas Heights (Australia). 6–8 Nov 1985]. MF available from INIS. (RN 18:021736).