1. J. R. Glauber, “Des Teutschlands Wohlfahrt”, Amsterdam, 1656–61, Part IV, pp. 35–36
2. J. Kunckel, “Ars Vitraria Experimentalis”, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1679, p. 192
3. This was translated into French as “Oeuvres Metallurgiques de M. Jean-Christian Orschall”, Paris, 1760, by the Baron d’Holbach, whose preface gives the story of Orschall being deprived of his office by the intrigues of his enemies.
4. J. C. Orschall, “Sol Sine Veste”, Augsburg, 1684, pp. 18–19
5. J. Kunckel, “Collegium Physico-Chymicum Experimentale, oder Laboratorium Chymicum”, Hamburg, 1716, p. 650