1. F. Amman et al.: Proceedings of the International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators (Dubna, 1963), p. 249;F. Amman et al.: Proceedings of the V International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators (Frascati, 1965), p. 703;F. Amman et al.: Proceedings of the Symposium International sur les Anneaux de Collisions (Saclay, 1966), III-2-1;F. Amman, R. Andreani, M. Bassetti, M. Bernardini, A. Cattoni, V. Chimenti, G. F. Corazza, D. Fabiani, E. Ferlenghi, A. Massarotti, C. Pellegrini, M. Placidi, M. Puglisi, F. Soso, S. Tazzari, F. Tazzioli andG. Vignola:Lett. Nuovo Cimento,1, 729 (1969).
2. B. Bartoli, B. Coluzzi, F. Felicetti, V. Silvestrini, G. Goggi, D. Scannicchio, G. Marini, F. Massa andF. Vanoli:Nuovo Cimento,70 A, 615 (1970).
3. G. Barbiellini, B. Borgia, M. Conversi andR. Santonico:Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Mat. Fis. e Nat. dell’Acc. Naz. dei Lincei,44, 233 (1968).
4. Adone works with a 3rd harmonic R.F. system, so there are three bunches of e+ and three bunches of e− each between 1 and 2 ns (f.w.h.m.) long; they cross the R.F. cavity when the R.F. phase equals the synchronous phase $$\bar \varphi $$ , which is slightly dependent on the machine energy, and collide with each other in the experimental sections every ∼100 ns.
5. This correction has been discussed at greater length inour paper (2)B. Bartoli, B. Coluzzi, F. Felicetti, V. Silvestrini, G. Goggi, D. Scannicchio, G. Marini, F. Massa andF. Vanoli:Nuovo Cimento,70 A, 615 (1970). on multiple particle production from e+e− interactions, where this kind of contamination is more severe. The actual value of the normalization factor (to be applied, for appropriate subtraction, to the e-gas interaction events detected in the one-beam background runs) has been obtained by comparing, after subtracting cosmic-rays events, the counting rates of theT i ’s telescopes. Indeed these rates are directly associated with the interactions of the beam with the residual gas in the machine.