1. Vanzant, Frances R., and Alvarez, W. C.: What is the value of one gastric analysis? A study in the daily variations in gastric acidity of two normal persons. Proc. Staff Meetings of Mayo Clinic, 6:419–422, July 15, 1931.
2. Vanzant, Frances R., Alvarez, W. C., Eusterman, G. B., Dunn, H. L., and Berkson, Joseph: The normal range of gastric acidity from youth to old age: an analysis of 3,746 records.Arch. Int. Med., 49:345–359, March, 1932.
3. Alvarez, W. C.: Standards of normal in gastric secretion.Ann. Int. Med., 6:314–318, Sept., 1932.
4. Vanzant, Frances R., Macy, Josiah, and Alvarez, W. C.: Seasonal variations in gastric acidity. Proc. Staff Meetings of Mayo Clinic, 7:613–615, Oct. 26, 1932.
5. Vanzant, Frances R., Berkson, Joseph, and Alvarez, W. C.: Nomograms delineating standards of normal gastric acidity. Proc. Staff Meetings of Mayo Clinic, 8:425–429, July 12, 1933.