1. American Accounting Association, Committee on the Future Structure, Content, and Scope of Accounting Education: 1986, ?Future Accounting Education: Preparing for the Expanding Profession?, Issues in Accounting Education 1(1), 168?95.
2. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants: 1990, ?Code of Professional Ethics?, in Professional Standards (Commerce Clearing House, Chicago).
3. Anderson, G. D. and R. C. Ellyson: 1986, ?Restructuring Professional Standards: the Anderson Report?, Journal of Accountancy 162(3), 92?104.
4. Armstrong, M. B. and J. I. Vincent: 1988, ?Public Accounting: A Profession at the Crossroads?, Accounting Horizons 2(1), 94?8.
5. Arthur Andersen & Co.: 1989, Ethics in Accounting, videotape (American Accounting Association, Sarasota, FL).