1. D.R. Swinbourne, G.G. Barbante, and W.J. Rankin: Proc. 6th AusIMM Extractive Metallurgy Conf., Brisbane, Australia, 1994, AusIMM, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 1994, pp. 41–47.
2. G.G. Barbante, D.R. Swinbourne, and W.J. Rankin: in Pyrometallurgy for Complex Materials and Wastes, M. Nilmani, T. Lehner, and W.J. Rankin, eds., TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1994, pp. 319–37.
3. W.J. Rankin, G.G. Barbante, and D.R. Swinbourne: Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. (Sec. C: Mineral Processing Extr. Metall.), 1995, vol. 104, pp. C59-C69.
4. G.G. Barbante: Ph.D. Thesis, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, 1996.
5. D.R. Swinbourne, A. Yazawa, and G.G. Barbante: Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 1997, vol. 28B, pp. 811–19.