1. Au, Y.H., Lindzey, N., Tunçel, L.: On connections between association schemes and analyses of polyhedral and positive semidefinite lift-and-project relaxations. arXiv:2008.08628, (2023)
2. Au, Y.H., Tunçel, L.: A comprehensive analysis of polyhedral lift-and-project methods. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 30(1), 411–451 (2016)
3. Au, Y.H., Tunçel, L.: Elementary polytopes with high lift-and-project ranks for strong positive semidefinite operators. Discrete Optim. 27, 103–129 (2018)
4. Au, Y.H., Tunçel, L.: On rank-monotone graph operations and minimal obstruction graphs for the Lovász-Schrijver SDP hierarchy. arXiv:2401.01476, (2024)
5. Au, Y.H.: A Comprehensive analysis of lift-and-project methods for combinatorial optimization. PhD thesis, University of Waterloo, (2014)