A slope generalization of Attouch theorem


Daniilidis ArisORCID,Salas David,Tapia-García Sebastián


AbstractA classical result of variational analysis, known as Attouch theorem, establishes an equivalence between epigraphical convergence of a sequence of proper convex lower semicontinuous functions and graphical convergence of the corresponding subdifferential maps up to a normalization condition which fixes the integration constant. In this work, we show that in finite dimensions and under a mild boundedness assumption, we can replace subdifferentials (sets of vectors) by slopes (scalars, corresponding to the distance of the subdifferentials to zero) and still obtain the same characterization: namely, the epigraphical convergence of functions is equivalent to the epigraphical convergence of their slopes. This surprising result goes in line with recent developments on slope determination (Boulmezaoud et al. in SIAM J Optim 28(3):2049–2066, 2018; Pérez-Aros et al. in Math Program 190(1–2):561-583, 2021) and slope sensitivity (Daniilidis and Drusvyatskiy in Proc Am Math Soc 151(11):4751-4756, 2023) for convex functions.





TU Wien


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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