1. Guidelines for Complex Development of the Underground Space of Large Cities [in Russian], RAASN, Moscow (2004).
2. Moscow City Building Codes 2.07-01. Beds, Foundations, and Underground Structures [in Russian], Moscow Government, Moscow (2003).
3. Technical Construction Norm 50-302-04. Design of Foundations for Buildings and Structures in Saint Petersburg [in Russian], Pravitel'stvo Sankt-Peterburge, Saint Petersburg (2004).
4. Building Code 22.13330.2011. Beds of Buildings and Structures. [In Russian], Required editing of Construction Rule and Regulation 2.02.01-83*.
5. V. A. Il'ichev, V. V. Znamenskii, E. B. Morozov, and D. Yu. Chunyuk, Experience acquired with pit installation in the city of Moscow, Collection of Papers Presented at the Scientific-Technical Conference "Urgent Geotechnical Questions in the Solution of Complex Problems of New Construction and Reconstruction [in Russian], Saint Petersburg (2010), pp. 33-37.